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Minutes of September 25, 2022

Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Eastern/6:PM Central/4:PM Pacific Time

Attendees (In random order): Chairman Calvin R. Johnson, Dr. A. Joel King, Joseph D. Sinyan, Dr. Samuel
O. Butscher, Charles G. Nagbe, Tommy G. Logan, Esther Caulcrick
Absentees: Joanna Caulcrick, Richmond Matthews

The meeting was called to order promptly at 7:00 PM. In the absence of our Chaplain, Dr. Butscher
opened the meeting with a prayer.
Chairman Calvin Johnson began with individual introductions. Everyone provided their bio, and the
resulting affect, was a display of the amazing depth of educational and professional talents on the
Proposal to conduct rotational face-to-face meetings
Next, the Chairman’s proposal for an occasional face-to-face board meeting, that would require travel
for some. He had hoped that the quarterly physical meeting would be an opportunity to fundraise in
those communities. The record reflects that the majority (4 members): Joe Sinyan, Dr. Butscher, Tommy
Logan, and Charles Nagbe thought we should utilize the current Remote channels like Zoom or audio.
The Board decided to continue with the Audio calls or incorporate Zoom.
The Chairman asked for everyone’s vision for the Organization
Joe Sinyan’s vision is to initiate a major project that will entice major 501c donors, in the United States,
to contribute to a cause like a replacement of the main building on BHS Campus. He wants the board to
empower the organization to achieve its goals. Joe Sinyan plans to visit Liberia, where he and Dr King
will meet with the Minister of Education, and other government officials to discuss replacing the main
Dr Butscher’s vision is to conduct feasibility studies that will enable the organization to maximize its
potential. He rebutted Joe Sinyan’s claim that the main building is an old cement building that may not
withstand many more years. Dr Butscher said that the main building is a concrete building, and these
buildings can withstand 100 years.
Esther Caulcrick’s vision is that we complete the many projects currently underway before venturing
onto other projects.
Charles Nagbe’s vision is, while he supports Joe Sinyan’s idea, he also believes that we should complete
the current projects, by organizing and prioritizing them accordingly. He suggests that the organization
purchases nearby land to expand the campus.

Tommy Logan’s vision is for the Board to work cooperatively with the Executive Team and the Body of
the organization.
Chairman Johnson said he “wants to ensure that the Board is effective.” He further explained, “We are
not trying to make decisions for the Executive team or decide on projects for the President; instead, we
are here to serve as the “oversight body”, and develop ideas that will support the President and his
team... We are here to strengthen, to motivate, and to encourage the organization. For example, if a
project is taking too long, we want to inquire about how we can help to enhance its efficiency.”
President Joel King concurred with Chairman Johnson, and stated that, “the expansion of BHS is in the
purview of the Executive team.” He expressed satisfaction with the discussions in the meeting, and said
he looks forward to working with the board. The Chairman thanked President King for calling in, assured
him that the Board will stay in its lane, while working with the Executive Branch to strengthen the
Dr. Butscher asked: What are the duties of the Board? What will be discussed at the quarterly Board
meetings? What will the Executive Team bring to the Board? He said he wants to ensure, as the
governing board, we are working in concert with the organization and its bylaws. Chairman Johnson
responded that it depends on the Annual Report and Annual Budget that the board will receive from the
President and the Executive Team. Based on BHSAUSA’s tax year January 1 st through December 31 st , the
Chairman proposed that the President submits his Annual Report and yearly Budget to the Board by
December 15 th , 2022. The Board agreed, and the President also agreed to the requested delivery date;
hence, upon submission of same, these items will be placed on the December Board Meeting Agenda for
discussion and subsequent approval.
A decision was made to document unexcused absences of Board Members. After a set number of
absences (to be established), the Board will recommend expulsion, and subsequent election or
replacement of such “inactive” board member(s). There were two absences at this meeting: Richmond
Matthews and Mrs. Joanna Caulcrick. Mr. Joseph Sinyan has notified the Board of an anticipated
absence at the next meeting, in December 2022, as he plans to be in Liberia at the time.
“Before the close of the meeting,” Dr. Butscher asked, “what should board members’ assignment be?
“What should we do in the interim? Chairman Calvin Johnson called on all the board members to think
of ways to raise funds… He requested us to think about fund raising strategies that will help benefit the
organization. The Chairman declared the meeting a productive one and thanked all in attendance.

Closing prayer was said by the Secretary, Esther Caulcrick, and the meeting adjourned after an hour and
15 minutes.

Respectfully Submitted,
Your Humble Servant.
Esther Caulcrick
Board Secretary

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